Friday, March 14, 2014

Our Love Story- An Update!

Several years ago I set out to write Our Love Story in real time, leading up to our 10 year anniversary. But then it got a little more descriptive and involved than I had ever intended, so it turned into real-ish time.

Then I got real with myself and realized really, I would finish it at some point.

Then I had a miscarriage and I spent the next year and a half in self preservation mode. The last entry I wrote was just a few days before we said goodbye to our baby, Willow.

I've long intended to pick the story back up and start writing again, but I just haven't made it happen yet. However, I did update the Our Love Story page, where you can find 8 additional entries that weren't previously listed there. If you were following along as I was posting them initially you may have already read them. If you picked our story up at some point over the years by clicking on the page tab, you probably wouldn't have read these posts yet. Now they're available for your reading pleasure!

And maybe, just maybe updating this page will spur me on to actually finish the story in time for our 15th anniversary.

I love getting to read through these and remember some of the most enjoyable, exciting, exhilarating times in my life. It's fun to remember how God brought us together as we ponder where he's taking us next.

Have any of you brave readers actually made it through the whole story at some point? If so, do you have a favorite post?

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